CHART: First Public Event in Santa Fe!

The CHART (Culture, History, Art, Reconciliation, and Truth) project invites residents of the city and county of Santa Fe/Oga Po’geh to its first public event on Sunday, November 14, 2021, 2-4 pm, at Frenchy’s Field.

The program will consist of a brief, collective homage to the Santa Fe River followed by a meet and greet with the CHART team. This event is free and open to the public and suitable for all ages. Santa Fe families—children, youth, adults, and elders—are especially encouraged to attend. Learn more and RSVP here.
The original inhabitants of present-day Santa Fe (“White Shell Water Place”) settled in the area because of its waters—springs and a river that sustained human life. Today, the Santa Fe River, wet and dry, flows from the Upper Watershed, winds through the city, and travels southward to the Rio Grande–still serving as a significant source of water for the community.

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